You may have read Martha Lane-Fox‘s call for:
A new institution could be the catalyst we need to shape the world we want to live in and Britain’s role in that world. Today, we’re letting big commercial technology platforms shape much of our digital lives, dominating the debate about everything from online privacy to how we build smart cities.
In fact, I probably wouldn’t call it an institution at all. This is no normal public body.
It’s time to balance the world of dot com so I would create DOT EVERYONE.
As fans of Represent will know, this resonates with our ambition: to provide a platform for the civic to balance – and work productively with – government and business.
For it’s not just the rise of the internet which presents ethical questions – we are pushing the critical structures we have inherited (economy, nations, welfare state, etc) to operate at scales and globalised conditions they were never conceived for – and many are breaking.
The internet presents an unprecedented opportunity to engage citizens on issues which concern them locally, nationally, and globally; and to provide a platform through which we can express our values, define and describe the world we want, and participate in its governance.
We fully support Martha’s call, and will do all we can to help.
UPDATE: What do YOU think of doteveryone?
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