These terms of use for Represent were last updated and take effect on: 1 September 2016.
These terms of use outline the rights and responsibilities that govern our relationship with you and others who interact with Represent. They apply to all users including organisations, brands, political parties, elected representatives, advertisers and third party developers.
Where applicable we may ask you to review and agree to supplemental terms that apply to a specific service, product or app.
We ask that all users respect the privacy and personal data of others. The privacy of everyone who uses Represent (including you) is extremely important to us. Our privacy policy explains what personal information we collect, how it is used and shared. We encourage you to read it and to use it to help you make informed decisions.
Anyone can join Represent.
One person, one account. This is so that the votes made and data created for decision making is as representative as possible. If you’ve opened multiple accounts accidentally (these things happen) – let us know, where possible we will merge your accounts. We reserve the right to deactivate duplicate accounts.
You are responsible for keeping your password (or API key in the case of developers) secret and secure. If you become aware that your account has been used or accessed by someone else without your permission: change your password and let us know immediately.
You will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else.
Represent is for anyone 13 years old and above. If you have reason to believe a person under 13 years old has provided us with their personal information, or have any concerns regarding this aspect of our policy, please get in touch.
We strongly encourage the use of real names. You may, though, join Represent under a pseudonym. You can change this to your real name at any point.
Elected politicians – verifying your account. If you are an elected representative, we have a process for verifying your account so others know you are who you say you are. Please contact us by sending an email including your phone number to hello@represent.me from your elected official email address to verify your account.
Do not set up an account or group to name-squat. Account or group names may not be created for the purposes of squatting, selling or transferring a name or otherwise preventing another user from creating a profile or group.
Respect the creations and names of other people and organisations. You may not impersonate or parody in a manner that does, or is intended to mislead, confuse, or deceive others – such as, leading others to believe an account or group is the official profile or group of elected representative or organisation.
We reserve the right to deactivate or delete accounts or groups.
If we disable or delete your account, you will not create another one without our permission.
You own all the content and data you personally create on Represent – votes, questions, comments, collections, groups – and are responsible for everything you post.
You grant us a license to use your content and data. So that we can operate Represent and publish data under the appropriate Creative Commons licenses, you grant us, subject to your privacy settings, a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any intellectual property you post on or in connection with Represent (IP License).
Content and data you make publicly available can be accessed using our API and may be used by others under an international Creative Commons Share Alike version 4 license.
If you request to delete your account all your personal data, votes and collections are deleted. As questions and comments involve other Represent users, any questions you have asked, or comments you have made, remain on the site but with anonymous attribution.
Content or accounts deleted from Represent may remain in back-up storage for a short period of time (similar to when you empty the recycle bin on a computer), but will not be publicly available or via our API.
Respect other people’s creations. You must have permission or the right to use any content you have not created yourself – photos, videos, text. This includes the names and images you use for a profile or group.
Trademarks. We reserve the right to reclaim an account or group name on behalf of individuals and organisations that hold a legal claim or trademark. Accounts or groups using business names and/or logos to mislead others may be permanently suspended.
You will not use Represent’s copyrights or trademarks or any confusingly similar marks, except with our prior permission.
If you are a copyright holder and believer your work has been infringed please contact us with full details. We may ask for additional evidence of your content rights.
If you believe we removed your content by mistake for infringing someone else’s copyright, please contact us with evidence of the license or permission you posted the content under.
If we stop a service on Represent, where reasonably possible, we will give you advance notice and a chance to remove or download your content from the service.
We will not tolerate members or content that incites hatred, promotes violence or uses bullying or threatening behaviour. This is especially true if that behaviour is targeted against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation or gender identity.
To keep Represent a safe environment for all users do not add content or create groups on Represent to:
- Incite hatred, stalk, bully, harass or abuse others
- Promote or display indecent images or child sexual abuse
- Promote or display pornography
- Promote self-harm, self-mutilation, eating disorders or suicide
- Propagate libel (false statements that are damaging to another person’s reputation)
- Promote, display or operate gambling
- Promote the use, buying or selling of guns, weapons or arms
- Advocate, promote, or involve others in acts of terrorism or criminal activity
- Incite violence or the creation of unlawful content
- Promote the use or purchase of tobacco, alcohol, over-the-counter or prescription drugs and legal highs
- Promote the use or purchase of illegal drugs
- Distribute spam or other unsolicited material
If you feel threatened or have any concerns over your safety on Represent please contact us at hello@represent.me.
We do our best to keep Represent secure and free from misuse but cannot guarantee it. To do so we need your help, which includes the following commitments:
- You use Represent at your own risk
- Do not attempt to compromise the security, impair, overburden or disrupt the Represent platform.
- Do not attempt to use Represent for fraudulent, harmful or malicious purposes, such as to spam others, distributing malware, spyware or viruses.
- We do not permit serial and multiple naming of accounts or groups and the automation of profile or group creation.
- Do not collect or solicit the login credentials or other sensitive personal data of Represent users
- Do not attempt to artificially collect followers or delegated votes
If you become aware of others taking any of the actions above, or if you become aware of opportunities you could exploit, please let us know hello@represent.me.
Where applicable misuse will be referred to the relevant legal authorities.
On occasion we and users of Represent include links to third parties on this website. We are not responsible for the content of these sites or for anything provided by them and do not guarantee that they will be continuously available. Any such links to external sites do not imply any endorsement by us of, or association with, their operators or promoters.
Represent lets you choose other Represent members to represent you for any topic. We call this ‘topic representation’ and the person you select as a ‘topic representative’.
It is incredibly powerful and a great responsibility. To make sure this works transparently and to prevent abuse we have put these rules in place.
- Your vote is always your vote, even when you ask someone to represent you. That is to say: the vote is still your responsibility, and you can take it back at any time.
- You and the topic representative must have a minimum number of votes on the topic in common before you can delegate.
- You can only choose one person to represent you at a time per topic.
- If you represent someone for a topic, you can still chose someone else to represent you for that same topic.
- You must have a high percentage of agreement on the selected topic with your intended topic representative before you can delegate to them.
- For any represented votes to count they must be made publicly. If your representative votes privately on a question in the delegated topic, they will not carry your vote and you will have to answer it yourself for your voice to count.
- You may still vote on a topic question even if you have a representative. If you and your topic representative both vote on a question, your vote is the one that counts.
- You may reclaim your vote from your topic representative at any time.
Separate terms apply.
If a government authority asks us to remove something that is in breach of local laws, after legal review, we reserve the right to make the content unavailable in the local territory concerned. Where possible we will notify the users this affects.
Any advertising – where payment has been made for placement of content – will be clearly identified as such.
We will not give your content or information to advertisers without your explicit consent.
Please also see our privacy policy and cookie policy.
If you create or administer a Group you agree to our Group Terms.
Our API permits third parties and users of Represent to access and use data on Represent in line with our privacy policy and user’s privacy settings.
In using the API and published data you agree to the terms of our data license.
Represent aims to be an independent and non-partisan platform. This may mean you sometimes find some views unacceptable, even if they do not breach our terms of use or relating policies.
Only report a problem when you genuinely believe our terms have been breached or if you have found a way someone might exploit or misuse Represent.
Reporting something does not guarantee that action will be taken. Neither will the number of reports influence whether something is in breach of our guidelines.
We reserve the right to take action against malicious, false or improper use of user reports.
You can report a community violation in a few ways:
Every vote question, group, comment, and profile account has a report option,
You can also contact us through the website or via hello@represent.me.
What may happen if our terms of use are violated?
We reserve the right to deactivate (where-by all information is retained but the user cannot access Represent) or delete user accounts, depending on the circumstances and nature of the breach. Where applicable misuse will be referred to the relevant legal authorities.
How do I appeal a decision?
To appeal on actions taken regarding your profile, group or content please contact hello@represent.me relating as much detail as possible.
You use Represent at your own risk. We provide Represent as it is, without any implied warranties, including that it will always function without any disruptions.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, we accept no liability for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of you or anyone else relying on the use or content of Represent, including our API and any published data.
We are not able to guarantee that all parts of Represent will be available or error-free at all times, or that any content on Represent will be free from viruses and/or other code that may have contaminating or destructive elements.
We do not give any guarantee or promise about the accuracy, completeness, currency, correctness, reliability, integrity, quality or originality of any content of Represent.
We will not be liable (for any reason) for any loss of profit, revenue or business, loss of customers or contracts, loss of or damage to reputation or goodwill, or any indirect or consequential loss arising out of or relating to your use of Represent, even if such loss was foreseeable or known. To the fullest extent permitted by law, all implied warranties, conditions or other terms of any kind are excluded.
Subject to the above, any liability we do have for losses you suffer is strictly limited to losses that were reasonably foreseeable and shall not, in aggregate, exceed the sum of £1,000.
These terms of use, and all your uses of Represent, are governed by English law and you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in relation to any dispute. We are also entitled to apply to any court worldwide to protect or enforce our intellectual property rights.
You may not transfer or assign any or all of your rights or obligations under these terms of use. All notices given by you to us must be given in writing to the address set out in these terms of use. If we fail to enforce any of our rights, that does not result in a waiver of that right, and if any part of these terms of use are found to be unenforceable, all other provisions shall remain unaffected. These terms of use may not be varied except with our express written consent.
Email: hello@represent.me
Twitter: @RepresentLive
Post: Represent, Reedham House, 31 King Street West, Manchester, M3 2PJ
Represent owned by iAgree Ltd. Company number 08794580. Our UK Data Protection Register number is: ZA097827.